JANUARY 25, 2019

GREG - 20 apps that you need to update or could be attacked by hackers! https://gizmodo.com/these-are-the-20-apps-you-need-to-update-right-now-or-1832015054

KELLY - Krispy Kreme has Valentine's Day Heart donuts! https://fox8.com/2019/01/24/krispy-kreme-saves-valentines-day-with-candy-conversation-hearts-doughnuts/

KAYLA - New survey says if you like spicy food you are more likely to have more sex!  https://nypost.com/2019/01/22/people-who-like-spicy-food-are-having-more-sex/

ROADKILL - Dog beds are being sold to parents for their kids! https://www.babygaga.com/buy-toddler-dog-bed/

LAURA - Fried chicken more than one serving a week can up your chances of death by 13 percent. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2019/01/24/fried-chicken-could-lead-early-death-study-finds/2666912002/

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